1. FBW.
Recently, I joined its facebook group. It is compose of Filipino bloggers around the world, networking together in promoting their respective owned websites. As a fresh starter, I was busy familiarizing daily the actions taking place inside and it is exhausting for me keeping up the activities but very productive. The group Rocks!
2. Disapproved Adsense Account.
I'm disgruntled figuring out what's happening with my adsense application. My previous application has a url of erwintiin.blogspot.com/. I edited my blog site's address to sparkingonline.blogspot.com
Now, every time I resubmit for application, the url appearing is always the erwintiin.blogspot.com/, I look over in the application how I could change it to sparkingonine.blogspot.com but there is no option to change or update it. This troubled me lots of time. A huge hug who can help me fixing it. I'm looking for alternatives now, thank you for this article of FBW.
3. Facebook Notifications and Activities.
Writing this post while not signing-in in my facebook account really helps. Notifications, chats and news feeds are head turners which defocus you in writing your article. Shut off your facebook when writing!
4. Buffer.
This app is so cool and super useful. I settled exploring it so many days back and use it for 2 weeks now. Hootsuite was my favorite but I found myself now more time using Buffer. It automates your article posting schedule according to your desired settings. It is your robot publisher of your prepared or want to be shared contents. If you're still not using it, what are you waiting for? It's FREE.
5. My Scoop.it
If you have a passion for certain interest/s and want to share it to the world but the following concerns obstruct you: (creating a blog, get inspiration, take time to write, skill to write), then Scoop.it might be your answer. I was struck by this video. Plus this article of Ms. Ileane of BASICBLOGTIPS pondering me the past weeks and resulted making my account on it.
6. Family Trip.
With kids and distant family going to Manila for a brother's wedding day is pretty hard to set aside a blogging time even we stayed there for 5 days. Extra curricular activities set in. Take a look at this picture with my kids in a 440 years Fort Santiago structure remains.
Have you experienced a 2 week article vacancy lag in your blog? What are the culprits?
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